Our school has implemented all national curriculum programs in English, Mathematics, HASS and Science and provides a strong focus upon outstanding teaching and learning. We focus upon improvement in teaching and learning is strong and relentless and our teachers are well known for working hard for our children. Our goal is to achieve excellence and equity in education.
Teachers work within year level teams on units of work based upon the Australia Curriculum, General Capabilities and Cross-Curricular Priorities using a world standard Education Queensland curriculum program. They meet weekly to discuss student learning, track progress, analyse assessment and discuss the best pedagogies and differentiated approaches required for each learner.
Our school provides a comprehensive program of specialised programs such as Music and Instrumental Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Health, Dance and Drama, Digital, Design Technologies and Media Arts and Japanese for Years 5 and 6. We also have a range of support programs to assist our diverse learners with targeted focussed teaching.