At Coomera State School it is our shared belief that every child is an individual with unique potential, capabilities and talents. We believe that every student has the ability to accomplish their personal best and flourish as a member of our school community.
The philosophy of our school is to provide an inclusive approach to education and values, whilst working collaboratively with class teachers, parents, carers and other specialists to meet the needs of our students. We are committed to the notion of every student having the opportunity to access and participate in all school programs. This is achieved through a whole school approach to learning where high expectations are set for all, diversity is celebrated, and all students are engaged in an appropriate curriculum in a supportive, positive and inclusive learning environment.
"Inclusive education means that students can access and fully participate in learning, along-side their similar age peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. Inclusion is embedded in all aspects of school life, and is supported by culture, policies and every day practices." (Department of Education, 2019)
Teaching and Learning Supports
Differentiated Learning
A whole school approach to curriculum provision, using a continuum of support, enables the school to cater for the learning needs of all students. This includes students who require learning or behaviour support; supports arising due to a disability; students who are gifted and talented; or those who have English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D), or a combination of these.
Through a differentiated whole school approach, the school is able to direct different levels of support across three tiers. This support is increasingly focused and individualised as each successive layer is implemented. The appropriate level of support is identified through ongoing monitoring of progress and analysis of student data.
Student supports are either recorded on a Personalised Learning Plan or through a Support Provision. These documents are then shared with families so through collaboration, we can provide our students with opportunities to develop and build resourcefulness, resilience, intellectual and emotional skills to optimise well-being in a global society.

Coomera State School Support Plans
As a means of providing targeted supports for students at Coomera State School, a Student Support Service exists to facilitate the identification of students and the supports required. This process covers learning, behaviour, social and emotional and health care support needs.
As a result, and in conjunction with the above-mentioned supports, students with diverse learning needs may also access support provisions through the Guidance Officer, School Social Worker, School Engagement Teacher, School Chaplain, Regional Health Nurse (Qld Health), Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander support services, and the Regional Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and advisory visiting support staff.
Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP)
A small number of students accessing the Australian Curriculum perform substantially below or above year level expectations, despite receiving support or extension opportunities. In these cases, teachers and support staff work together to generate and analyse student performance data to determine an appropriate instructional level for individual students in various subjects formulating an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP).
This Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP) documents the curriculum year level that a student is working towards in each subject whilst working alongside their peers. It outlines their intended curriculum and level of achievement that will be assessed and reported against. The identified student will work towards the year levels listed for the duration of the current semester. Student instructional levels will be assessed each 6 months and parents will be consulted in regards to these decisions.
Guidance Officers
Guidance Officers work closely with students and their families, teachers and other school staff, and in some instances, departmental agencies and authorities, to provide a wide range of support services including individual and/or group counselling, psycho-educational assessments, and personal/professional skill development programs. As part of the school support team, the Guidance Officer is committed to provide quality education services while respecting student and family privacy and confidentiality.
Families seeking access to the services of the Guidance Officer should discuss their concerns with their child's class teacher. Following discussion, students are presented at the Student Support Services (SSS) meeting and the committee assigns cases to the Guidance Officer on a priority basis. Please note that further signed consent will then be required for the Guidance Officer to work directly with students. Guidance Officer supports and interventions are short-term measures only and should long-term support be required parents are encouraged to see their GP for referral to health care professionals or see one of the services listed below.
Local community organisations also offer a range of family support services, including the following:
- Northern Gold Coast Communities for Children, Oxenford – Ph: 5580 4993
- Helensvale Community Health Centre – Ph: 5580 7800
- Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Robina – Ph: 1300 744 284
- Lifeline Gold Coast – Ph: 5579 6000
- Kids Helpline – Ph: 1800 551 800
- Parent Helpline – Ph: 1300 301 300
- Headspace online
Support Teacher of Literacy and Numeracy (STLaN)
A Support Teacher of Literacy and Numeracy (STLaN) is available to support children from Prep to Year 6 who are identified as experiencing difficulties with their learning.
The STLaN assists classroom teachers and curriculum leaders to develop and effectively implement responses to students with learning needs across the curriculum, with a focus on literacy and numeracy.
School Chaplain
School Chaplains run positive, fun activities for young people - both in and out of school - and foster a supportive, caring school community. This includes support for at-risk students, support for staff and families from the wider school community, and spiritual support and direction for the school community.
A Chaplain is a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear, caring presence, and message of hope. They care for students struggling with a wide range of issues, including: family problems, confusing relationships, friendship issues, peer pressure, self-esteem issues, bullying and stress and anxiety.
The partnership between the school and the Chaplain, supported by local churches, businesses and community organisations, provides a network of local support and assistance. These positive relationships help young people to face issues, and provide hope, connection, meaning, and purpose.
Overview and aims of the Chaplaincy Program (PDF, 84KB)
All Chaplaincy services operate in accordance with the Education Queensland Chaplaincy Policy -